Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

Writing in Traditional Chinese is a political issue in ChiCom's eyes. Simplified Chinese is Mao's Chinese. On surface Mao claimed to push simplified Chinese to make language accessible to farmers, but it's made so that people can read Mao's propaganda but cannot read the history so Mao cannot be contradicted. Communists/socialists/Marxists are deeply against traditions, so wanting to learn traditional characters alone is enough grounds for Alibaba to reject you. Lol.

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I don’t really have anything against simplified Chinese. It served a purpose in helping to increase literacy in China during the 20th Century. But I wanted to continue living in Hong Kong, so it made more sense to learn traditional. Plus it’s easier to learn simplified after traditional than vice Vera’s.

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Got that from the podcast. I bet Alibaba/CCP was not really interested in your apolitical opinion about of merits of simplified vs traditional Chinese. Those possessive CCP sociopaths were thinking 'why don't you love everything Red China over everybody else?'. Most likely, they were sizing you up for political tendencies through your explanations of why you studied in Taiwan and chose Hongkong first.

Since Simplified Chinese was born within the Chinese Communist Party, materials written in Simplified Chinese are predominantly riddled with propaganda and lies. If you learned Traditional Chinese in Taiwan, it's a red flag to them because they assumed you've been exposed to 'foreign influence', which is another word for free-minds and easy access to truths.

The best candidate for them would be an easily fooled 'Laowai' who learned their Chinese through Confucius Institute. If you had answered something innocent like 'traditional characters looks more beautiful', they would have been less alarmed.

Time proved their gut feeling about you during the Alibaba interview was spot on. Lol.

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022

"The thing with these people (CCP), they don't give a shit about what the law says". That's spot on. Even Mafia have more honor than these ChiCom thugs. CCP doesn't even follow their own laws they pulled out of their asses without the assent from anybody. Red China is not a country, but just a huge land with 10bil people in a big minimum security jail created by a bunch of thugs, crooks and barbarians in suits who are good at marketing themselves.

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